Including Print
Promotional Counter
Promotional Counter
Promotional Counter
Promotional Counter
Promotional Counter
Promotional Counter
Promotional Counter

Promotional Counter

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Our movable promotional counter offers the perfect setting for consultations and is a great storage place for your advertising media.

The print area additionally offers a great chance to present your company to the outside. It is superbly customizable and very versatile in its deployment. The frame is solid aluminum to which the print is attached via magnetic stripes. Assembly does not require tools and is done within minutes. The scope of delivery includes the fully mounted counter, the print with the magnetic stripes and a sturdy nylon transportation bag.

+ Dimensions: approx. (WxHxD) 1200 x 1000 x 550 mm
+ Print dimensions: 2020 mm x 930 mm
+ INCL. quality print on POS-Banner, matt-laminated
+ WARNING: Production time: 2 work days
+ Weight: 11 kg

Happy Hours bei Berlindisplay: 10% auf den Warenwert von 9:00 bis 15:00 Uhr.

Montag bis Freitag:
von 900 bis 1500 Uhr
10% auf alles sparen!*

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